Knee Bracing Purpose

There are many purposes of bracing a knee and they vary as widely as the designs of the braces themselves. In general, braces are used for comfort, support, protection, and/or injury prevention. The design of a brace depends upon the function that it will serve.

Some braces are simply a sleeve designed to slide over the knee to help keep it warm with activity. Other braces are designed to keep the kneecap gliding smoothly over the end of the thigh bone. Others are used in patients who may have a deficient ligament in their knee and the brace provides support to protect the knee in activity that may be impossible without that brace.

It is important to consult a physician, physical therapist, or certified athletic trainer when choosing a particular brace to make sure it fits your needs. An improperly fitted brace can cause discomfort or cause further injury to your knee. Therefore, it is important to understand how to put it on correctly and ask any questions you have about the brace. Your physician, physical therapist, or certified athletic trainers will be happy to answer any questions concerning your brace, as well as discuss your bracing options.